Kid's Ministry
We Are So Glad You Stopped By!
Mission Possible!
Top Priorities!
- We value to be Child-Targeted with kid-friendly environments, kid-friendly music, and kid-friendly lengths of time in one place.
- We value Safety that includes keeping kids physically safe, emotionally safe, and spiritually safe to ask questions about God and life.
- We value an emphasis of being Relevant & Application Oriented. We want kids to know what the Bible lesson was about, what it means, and what we must do to live out this lesson.
- We value Teaching the Bible Creatively, using drama, props, interaction and echo phrases. We want kids to be excited about church and learning the next bible lesson.
- FUN! If it’s for kids, it has to be fun! We want kids to have such a great time that they can’t wait to get back next week.

Nursery provides loving care for babies ages 6 weeks to 12 months in the Sunday morning service. During our time together we play, have a snack, and learn about Jesus’ love through example.
Sunday morning the adventure begins for 3, 4, and 5 year olds as they enter a play space to hang out with other kids. Then they move through a series of rotations that gives preschoolers hands-on learning experiences, songs, crafts, and a fun and engaging Bible lesson. We know that young children are very capable of experiencing the world around them, learning Bible stories, and discovering what they can do with their own hands.

Vacation Bible Adventure
A fun 5-day event in the summers for kids 3 years to 6th grade that includes a high-energy song time, craft projects, Bible lessons, snacks, and game time.
Free Community BBQ & Bounce House Days
Come hang out for this family fun event includes free hamburger and hotdog lunch, an inflatable bounce house, water slide, and obstacle course.
Christmas Camp
A one-night kid event for kids 3 years to 6th grade with songs, crafts, snacks, and games on a Christmas theme.
Spring Fling
A Saturday morning fun event for kids 3 years to 6th during Spring break. Stay tuned for more details!

Best Hour of a Kid’s Week
Kids are going to form their first impressions about God and the church through children’s ministry, so we want that picture to reflect how awesome it is to have a relationship with God. So, we strive to teach the Bible creatively with a lot of action and fun!
5 Fun & Fast Rotations
Check-In & Kid Zone
Kids come right in and get to choose a variety of table games and activities.
Kid Connection
Where leaders check in with kids about their week and give kids purpose points.
Big Group
Where all kids are together for a motion song time and an engaging Bible lesson.
Small Group
This is where kids talk about the day’s lesson and pray for each other.
Kid Zone & Pick-Up
Kids get to return to the table games and activities until parents arrive.